As a Foot Health Practitioner, I often get asked – what’s the difference between a Chiropodist Walsall, a Podiatrist in Walsall and a Foot Health Practitioner?
The FHPs abilities and skills far exceed those trained merely to cut toenails, although this is one of the services I provide. The work of the FHP is non-invasive and focuses on the lower limbs and feet with minor ailments.
Like any Chiropodist Walsall, I will assess foot positioning on walking and also do a thorough examination to evaluate the structure and condition of the lower limbs and feet. As a FHP I perform minor external surgery without injected analgesia, for treatments such as corn removal or ingrowing toenails. All of this and more falls within the remit of a Foot Health Practitioner.
Many patients require routine foot maintenance, some merely because they can no longer reach their feet themselves. Others may have problems with their sight, obesity, pregnancy, diabetes, arthritic hands and other debilitating conditions.
The FHP is recognised and respected by colleagues, having ethics that are consistent with other medical professions. Our training allows us to contribute to your healthcare by screening and alerting other health practitioners to potential problems, such as Diabetes, poor circulation, infections, ulceration and other conditions requiring an onward referral.
To enable any treatment to be executed safely and without complications, a full medical assessment is carried out on the first visit. I follow strict hygiene procedures and communicate with you frequently regarding your care, treatment and follow up. I am trained to manage and care for minor wounds and provide dressings and padding as required.
As an FHP’s I undertake regular professional development to update and expand my skills in line with current practice and I’m also a member of the Alliance of Private Sector Workers, an accredited register that is independently vetted and approved by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA).
In the UK, Podiatry is the new name for Chiropody; it is the internationally accepted term for a profession where disease and pathological conditions of the feet and lower limbs are treated. A Podiatrist is likely to take on patients with more complex problems than a Foot Health Practitioner, and in such cases, as the FHP I will often refer back to a Podiatrist or Chiropodist Walsall where specialist knowledge is required.
Some Podiatrists choose to specialise in areas such as Paediatric Development, Vascular Neuropathy and Diabetes.
The full skills of a practicing Chiropodist Walsall are usually only required by a small percentage of the general public presenting with foot problems. Podiatrist’s and Chiropodist in Walsall are regulated by the HCPC, a regulator set up to protect the public. To do this, the HCPC keep a Register of health and care professionals who are required to meet their standards for their training, professional skills, behaviour and health.